Foxtel - movie network channels


Brief - Preview Screening: Get bookworms to engage with digital platforms, attend preview screening at Village Cinemas, Chadstone Melbourne and subscribe to the $13 million television series Conspiracy 365.

Results - Working hand-in-glove with FOXTEL’s Digital Marketing (Annabelle Greene), Manager (Jackie Deigan) and CMO (Laura Bomer) delivered a transmedia campaign competition mirroring the which saw 1,000 kids attend!

Brief - VIP After Party: Host celebrity after party for cast and crew. Source venue, catering, entertainment and manage event for an exclusive, invite-only after-party.

Results - Pulled off star-studded luscious event at sheik Melbourne venue, with Sydney-based client, Movie Network Channels Marketing Manager, Jackie Deigan saying, “We couldn’t have done it without you Ben!”

Brief - Sales Launch: Oversee 500 staff transportation to Melbourne Pavilion and event service at FOXTEL (internal sales) staff Conspiracy 365product subscription launch.

Results - Working hand-in-glove with Bigger Than 10 Bears, successfully sourced and managed my own crew of 10 staff and oversaw the transportation of 500 staff to Melbourne Pavilion and event/catering/operations assistance at the subscription sales product launch.