Trusted By Many Leaders

Julian Burnside QC

“Ben is hard-working and imaginative.

He is terrific at devising creative ideas and seeing them through to successful completion.”

President Victorian Committee (fmr)
Musica Viva Australia


Dr. Marianne D. Sison, PhD, FPRIA

"My feedback to your (re: your Leadership Luncheon): Love the group of people you have tapped and it was very interesting to see how you managed the conversations to fit your 'structure'.”

RMIT Deputy Dean, International
School of Media and Communication


Paul Wheelton AM KSJ

"Having known Ben for several years now, I am continually impressed with the energy and drive he brings to all he does.

His positive, glass half full nature is always energising and his professional manner is impressive in this increasingly Gen Y world"

Chairman Wheelton Philanthropy & Wheelton Group
Chairman Franchisee Advisory Group Budget Rentals
Managing Director Budget Rentals (Wheelton Franchise)


Megan Lancaster

“Ben is creative, fun and highly motivated.

I value Ben's personal and professional advice as he has that increasingly rare trait of telling it to you how it is!

Ben’s eclectic approach to life ensures he provides both a creative and analytical approach to problem solving and enables him to be truly innovative, ultimately it is what sets (his agency) "No Fussing About" apart.”

Assistant Secretary
Network Transition Taskforce
Australian Department of Health


Michael D. Sessa

“While I worked with Ben for a short period of time, Ben has been a pleasure to work and collaborate with. His work ethic is professional, cordial and results-driven.

He helped strengthen DIGITARY's presence and showed true support and leadership in the championing of data standards in North America, if not globally.

He is a great partner and I thank him for all the good work accomplished.”

President & CEO
Postsecondary Electronics Standards Council (PESC)


Kristen Bresch

“Ben reported to me as my 2IC and Sales & Marketing Director at
Retail Directions. 

He is an outstanding performer and executes with a high level of professionalism, reliability and proficiency, under immense pressure and fluid working environments.

I would highly recommend him.”

Head of Sales & Marketing
Retail Directions


Elhpie Coyle

"I cannot recommend Ben enough for high-level marketing and business strategy facilitation.

A world-class communicator and space-holder for idea generation, Ben also keeps us powerfully and respectfully to account for implementing the great ideas that come forth from his workshops and executive deep dive sessions.

Thank you from myself and on behalf of everyone at Lightmare."

Creator and Chairman
Indie Gaming Lightmare Studios




“I often sought Ben's counsel and found his advice to be well considered, evidence based, appropriate and sound…”

Musica Viva National Board Member and
Victorian Committee Chair


Robert Gibbs

"I have known Ben Walkenhorst for nearly 20 years. 

He has become a close friend and worked for me in my role as Telstra Group Manager, Public Relations & New Media and when I was consulting.

Ben is a charismatic, professional, passionate, reliable and adaptable marketing and communications specialist, who is able to manage multiple stakeholders, projects and people in complex environments to deliver high quality results on time and within budget.  I highly recommend him."

Communications Consultant (Retired)
Telstra Group Manager Public Relations & New Media (fmr)


Nat Tanner

“So good to really take time out to think about your company regularly and to be guided and facilitated by a marketing expert like Ben Walkenhorst

Looking forward to implementing our action plan and continuing to work more closely with this clear expert in his field! Thanks Ben!!”

Founder and CEO



“We love Ben.

We have had the privileged to be one of his clients, to have him as our client and to work besides him as colleagues. Whatever hat he is wearing, his enthusiasm and professional attitude is a joy.

I do recommend him to our clients and will continue to do so into the future.”

Director & Senior Designer, Designscope
Senior Designer, No Fussing About Collective (fmr)


Margot Gorski

“Ben is a great strategic thinker and facilitator.

He has a knack for getting to the core of an issue and a talent for working with clients to develop creative marketing solutions. Ben is also very targeted in his approach and he doesn't shy away from providing the simple and practical solutions that many businesses and organisations require. I've worked with Ben on a key community campaign and I was very impressed by his strategic approach, his attention to detail and his client management skills.”

Founder & CEO
PR Matters


Amy Kliever

"Working with Ben has always been a pleasure. He is friendly and professional, and takes organisation and communication to the next level.

I am always clear on the brief and am encouraged to give input throughout the whole project, not just on the design elements.

I know my input and creative is valued."

Founder & CEO, Blooming Footprint /
Senior Designer, No Fussing About Collective (fmr)


Bruce McBain

“Ben Walkenhorst was integral Board Member for Fitzroy Legal Service from November 2016 until January 2019.

Ben’s previous Board experience and diverse profile, including leadership roles in the commercial, government not-for-profit sectors was beneficial to our Board, and so too was his passion for delivering services.

He contributed to discussions and initiated policies, including Sexual Harassment. Ben chaired the Publications and Philanthropy Board Sub-Committee and championed philanthropy and fundraising policy that the Board adopted.

He worked closely with our Executive Officer and was responsible for shaping FLS’ communication and marketing messages and also provided media advice.

He was a member of the Communications Project Working Group for our Amalgamation with Darebin Community Legal Service, guided the strategy and championed communications across both organisations.

Ben guided the Association’s sponsorship framework, leveraged his strong networks to garner in-kind marketing support for the Association and oversaw more than a 400 percent increase in fundraising campaign revenue.

I highly recommend him to any Board seeking his outstanding skillset and attributes.”

Chair of The Board (2012-2018)
Fitzroy Legal Service


Karl Dumbrell

"Ben's tailored service is what really brings the experience to the next level."

Luxury Destinations Manager
Delaware North Companies Australia