Retail - B2B and B2C

B2B / B2C Retail & Pos Marketing

Ben has a proven track record in getting consumers to buy more products and wholesale businesses to trade better.

For a range of national and global membership, FMCG and entertainment brands, Ben has delivered or led multifaceted, integrated teams or rostered agencies delivering through-the-line, multi-channel traditional and digital brand, sales, sponsorship, PR and in-store marketing communication campaigns on wafer-thin or multi-million dollar budgets.

Drylandia brand activation - Ben was employed to support Akcelo’s Senior Event Producer and bring this TVC to life with a live puppet roaming Smith and Brunswick Streets in October 2023 to create social media hype for a new beer range.

"The impressive (TVC) visuals were built over three months, a combination of work from creative agency Clemenger BBDO, production company Revolver, visual effects experts BaconX in Copenhagen, and Swedish director Andreas Nilsson." (

Carlton Dry, Drylandia Campaign

Lifestyle & Beauty

Instore & eCommerce

Elf cosmetics - retail/estore

Brief: No Fussing About was briefed to increase eStore sales for from $400K to $1m in one year.

How does a brand get existing customers to buy more and new affluent customers to try a low-cost positioned product?

Leading an integrated team of digital marketing, creative and PR agency, PR Matters, Ben developed an annual Advertising, Marketing, PR, Fashion and Beauty Influencer (Chloe Morello), Sponsorship, Social Media and Digital Marketing Plan that repositioned ELF Cosmetics for the ANZ Market and a more aspirational, mature buyer.

Results: The campaigns resulted in a new creative concept, “ELF Angels” and put sales on a trajectory to $1m within the year.

By executing the integrated plan mentioned above and analysing Shopify data the team found 20K one-purchase customers and applied re-marketing techniques, on-site trip-wire sales-funnel promotions, four seasonal and 52 (weekly) campaigns to funnel new and existing consumers into a Customer Lifetime re-purchasing Program.

A soft-product ANZ PR launch attracted more than 20 media clips and social influencer support with a total circulation reach of 3,441,174. Social media training and the weekly campaigns saw engagement crack along, with increased patronage and engagement.

Within six months, web traffic increased from 25k to 45k, sales more than doubled WoW from $16, 500 to $45,000 (up 28% YoY), average basket-size increased from $40 to $48 and time-on-site from four to seven minutes.


Health Sector

Consumer & Business Acquisition

Health sector

Ben played a key role as the principal architect in bringing Australia’s first psychology franchise, Life Resolutions Australia, to life.

His B2B and B2C growth strategies enabled the business to grow from five company owned franchises to 21 attracted 5,700 clients and $3.2million (~8million in 2023 dollar terms) in forward estimates within 2.5 years.

On a $1million budget, the multi-channel, ANZ digital and traditional campaign included:

  • A Master and Franchise Brand Refresh

  • Advertising

    • TV & Radio, Out Of Home (Transport & Billboard)

    • Display Advertising/Directory (Print & Digital)/Pay Per Click

    • Trade Magazines & Peak Bodies

  • Affiliate Marketing & Partnerships

  • Direct Marketing - EDMs and Letterbox

  • Local Area Marketing (through Franchises)

  • Masterbrand Marketing

  • Peak Body Lobbying and Education

  • Point of Sale (Shopping Centre and in-store) marketing

  • Performance Marketing:

    • Search Engine Optimisation/Search Engine Management/Social Media

  • Public Relations

  • Sponsorships - Local Community and Industry Conferences

  • Trade Shows & Expos - Community and Business

These channel campaigns were underpinned by Behavioural Change Marketing and the Consumer Decision Making Purchase Process Model Ben developed with Life Resolutions Australia’s Senior Psychologist.

These Models identify the cognitive and behavioural steps, combined with the marketing activity required to compel consumer behaviour in Identity, Acquisition and Loyalty campaigns.

Happy Herb Co logo-dark-2019.jpeg

Herbal Health

consumer retail sales

Herbal Health / Happy Herb Shop - Retail Franchisee

Brief: Work with the Melbourne Franchise owner to develop and deliver in store, merchandising, point-of-sale, direct marketing (email, SMS, POS) retail sales and staff retention strategies to grow store sales for five owned outlets and at state-wide festivals used as a regional branding tool and sales funnel.

Results: Instore (Bendigo, Fitzroy, Geelong, Hobart and St Kilda) and Victorian regional festival (including Falls Festival,
St Kilda Festival, Mind Body & Soul and Rainbow Serpent) sales marketing over seven years (2009-2016) that increased sales by average 10% year on year.