
To live in a world BWCommunications has created where people are brand loyal because they just have to be.

(Why? Because we have successfully used behavioural change marketing.)


BWCommunications loves brand. 

BWCommunications loves understanding behaviour. 

Most of all, BWCommunications is on a mission to combine these loves and create heart-thumping, skin-tingling campaigns that get noticed, change behaviour and are loved.


I help brands understand who they are, who they’re selling to and how to change behaviour to gain loyalty and advocacy.
— Ben Walkenhorst, Founder.

BWCommunications values:

  • Giving back to others

  • Respect and empathy

  • Hard work and curiosity

  • Striving for excellence.

  • Being around the best of the best

What's your verse?
Poetry, beauty, romance,
My heart pumps faster,
My skin tingles;
When I work with brands to uncover their verse and we create compelling stories together.
Hope, imagine, trust.